Marcela de Lourdes Burgos

Actress, graduated from Universidad Finis Terrae. She specializes in the “Post School Kim – Specialization Program in Visual Theater/Dance”, guided by Elías Cohen (Olmué, Chile), with whom she takes several workshops-retreats that allow her to explore and think the body. During 2019 she takes the Diploma in “Sociocultural Management, Territory and Cultural Policies (Universidad Academia Humanismo Cristiano)”.  In 2020 she is taking the Specialization Program in Animation Theater (Inés Pasic, Luiz Cherubini, Terista Iacobelli, Jaime Lorca, Cristian Ortega, Tomás O’ryan).

She has dabbled in theater teaching, conducting theater workshops and storytelling in educational establishments in the Metropolitan region.

Since 2018 she is part of the company La Llave Maestra, integrating herself to 2 shows of the company: “Pareidolia” and “Delirios de Papel”, performing in theaters and festivals in Chile, Colombia, Bolivia, Venezuela, Uruguay, United States, Spain, Belgium and Holland.

In parallel, she has nurtured her training as a performing artist with other complementary disciplines such as contemporary dance, performance and Kalaripayattu.