November 2020

La Llave Maestra at the 14th Book Fair of Talca / Chile.
Between November 18 and 22, we will be present at the 14th Talca´s Children's and Youth Book Fair, with a permanent exhibition of 3 audiovisual stories, 2 of which will be premiered especially at the Fair. You can connect to this important...
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Premiere of a new audiovisual story, UN ABRAZO INFINITO at Santiago Off Festival
Dear Friends, we are happy to announce that this Thursday, October 22 and Friday, October 23, we will start the activities of the Inter-regional Network of the Santiago Off Festival, where we will premiere a new audiovisual story called UN...
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Children From Winnipeg in the 7º NEVADAS TEATRALES, International Theater Festival in Bariloche
On Saturday October 17, we will be presenting at the 7th Festival Nevadas Teatrales de Bariloche Argentina, with our play L@s Niñ@s del Winnipeg. We are happy to return to this beautiful Festival, this time in an online version due...
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PAREIDOLIA Online at PRISMA International Dance Festival Panamá
Between 3 to 18 of October, PRISMA Dance Festival in Panamá, we will be presenting acclaimed performances from all over the world. La Llave Maestra, we will be part of the festival, doing a masterclass on Saturday 3er of October,...
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ZONA MAESTRA, Masterclass in Teatro del Lago Chile.
Between September 22 and October 8, we will have the honor of being part of ZONA MAESTRA, a series of pedagogical meetings with Masters of Arts, created and organized by the Teatro del Lago de Frutillar. La Llave Maestra, has...
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